Halloween is comin up
I'm thinkin that I'm really in the shit cause I havn't fixed anything for my costume for halloween, soo I'm gonna have to do everything tomorrow.. Damn I feel stressed out! And we gotta by pumkins and carving tools, they's prolly gonna be all gone.. I'm just hopin for the best! ;)
This halloween will be just great! Gotta take a shower and run to the library..
High Five!
This halloween will be just great! Gotta take a shower and run to the library..
High Five!
If we crawl..
Yesterday I spent the am studying and around 4pm Vince came downtown and we took a long walk on State st. Evening was spent in school to come home to a lovely dinner that Crack, Marcus, Emma, and Jen had cooked, damn yesterday was good :)
Now i'm supposed to study but I'm just sittin here diggin Phil Collins and checkin craigslist. Jen just left for school so now I'm blastic music, Bad Caroline..
Tomorrow Mattias and me are supposed to skype, definitely lookin forward to that! And don't forget it's not many days left til Halloween.. I'm soooo excited ;D
High Five girlfriend!
Now i'm supposed to study but I'm just sittin here diggin Phil Collins and checkin craigslist. Jen just left for school so now I'm blastic music, Bad Caroline..
Tomorrow Mattias and me are supposed to skype, definitely lookin forward to that! And don't forget it's not many days left til Halloween.. I'm soooo excited ;D
High Five girlfriend!
Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
This is definitely the best song right now!
Three blind mice
And it's Tuesday again. The weeks pass way too fast but at least the weather is clearing up so we can have some sunshine :P
Me and the girls are sooo stressed out, it's halloween this weekend and we gotta fix costumes and other stuff to put in the apt. We're gonna ave a carving pumpkin session and bake pumkin pie and roast the seeds.. I want a real halloween. But the girls also have a lot to do in school this week, Jen as 3 tests on Thursday. So we'll just try to do our best.
We have the best idea ever for halloween, we are gonna be the three blind mice! It's awesome! haha

High five gurlfriends! ;D
I'm walkin on sunshine
OMG Santa Barbara can finally see sunshine again! ;D knock on wood..
I think that everyone in SB could use some sunshine right now, Jen and I talked last night bout how empty campus was yesterday and how it really seems like people feel a lil blue.. We decided that the weather was the main reason.
Marcus and Jo crack was here the other day with "Jack in the box".. truly our best home delivery! :P
I don't think I've mentioned them, they are two cool- and when I say cool I really mean COOL, guys that we are hangin out wit, just chillin and havin fun! I had a Cheeseburger wit curly fries ;) mmmm delicious!
It's Friday again, and what does Friday mean folks= WEEKEND! We Like :D
High Five!
539 Arroyo Ave
Mmm Ellins, it smells good.. I'm now sittin in Ellin's and Pernilla's kitchen after a two hour studying session with Adam. Ellin is eatin and Pernilla is gettin ready for the 10/10/10 party with Blake and co.
Another sunday has passed, Vince watched the footballgame all day and then we took a walk on State. It was redskins against the Green Bay Packers, That's the team my dad was holdin on and The Skins is Vince team so when the Skins won Vince was satisfied ;D
All I'm thinkin bout right now is a car. It would just be great to have one and my life would be so much easier cause I'm tired of waitin for that fuckin bus after my classes. I really miss drivin the mercedes.

Another sunday has passed, Vince watched the footballgame all day and then we took a walk on State. It was redskins against the Green Bay Packers, That's the team my dad was holdin on and The Skins is Vince team so when the Skins won Vince was satisfied ;D
All I'm thinkin bout right now is a car. It would just be great to have one and my life would be so much easier cause I'm tired of waitin for that fuckin bus after my classes. I really miss drivin the mercedes.

I just want the weekend to be a lil longer, it just went to fast :P
South beach bringin the heat
Sittin here again! Just got home from tennis and tryin to decide what music I really wanna hear on my birthday.. cause the music determines how great the nights gonna be ;D
Lookin at some old school shit, haha, like Will Smith..
Lookin at some old school shit, haha, like Will Smith..
High five!!!
You and I, will be young forever
I'm now sitting with Emma at our dining table and listening to teenage dream!
I skyped to mamma this morning, I miss my mom. I don't think about it all the time but when I think about it I realise that I mi

But anyway, she suggested that I would stay in Santa Barbara for one more semester. Jen talks everyday bout how she is not ready to go home yet and I toatally understand her. We are havin soooo much fun!
But now I gotta take a shower and get something to eat!
High five girlfriend!

Overhead hmm
I just ate brekfast and i'm soo ready for tennis at 12.45.
We are right now workin on our overhead and I get so soar in my sholder and right arm, coach said there is a sayin in tennis "that if it doesn't hurt your probably not doing it right!" haha Everyone should have seen me the first tennis class. Damn I sucked, I had problems with what foot to step into with and missed almost every ball. haha I'm accually pretty impressed with my results, I got 25/25 on both backhand and forehand! I'm gettin there! :P
btw. Emma, I love the movement circle-pray-circle, princess is improvin!
High five!
We are right now workin on our overhead and I get so soar in my sholder and right arm, coach said there is a sayin in tennis "that if it doesn't hurt your probably not doing it right!" haha Everyone should have seen me the first tennis class. Damn I sucked, I had problems with what foot to step into with and missed almost every ball. haha I'm accually pretty impressed with my results, I got 25/25 on both backhand and forehand! I'm gettin there! :P
btw. Emma, I love the movement circle-pray-circle, princess is improvin!
High five!
4 October
Hello hello! I'm back..
I'v been lookin forward to this monday for five days now. I'm starting over today! :D
I'v been lookin forward to this monday for five days now. I'm starting over today! :D